Valentine's Day is approaching rather quickly, and instead of showering yourself with unnecessary debt, we have some great ways that you can save money and still impress!
Did you know that by financially participating in Valentine's Day activities, you are a part of an approximate $18 billion industry? There is not a set amount or a rule as to what an adequate budget amount is; it is up to you to designate and allocate your monies to the appropriate categories. You want to ensure that you are using your money wisely and purposefully. We have listed a few activities that can be accommodated by just about any income level, so now let’s jump into the reason why you are here!
Valentine's Day Activities with a Spouse:
After years of being married, many couples find it challenging to “surprise” their spouse. Therefore, it is tempting to overextend a budget with the hopes of wooing them and brightening the spark in the relationship. However, love and affection should no longer be associated with a price tag, if the marriage has matured and progressed in the “right” direction.

Cook dinner together and eat over candlelight (couple with wine)
*Think pasta, lobster, steak, lamb, shrimp dishes, if you are vegan or vegetarian there are still a plethora of options that you all can cook as alternatives
Take a bubble bath, light candles, add in rose petals (soft music is a great touch)
Take a mini trip together
Day trip, weekend, week-long; whatever your schedule and budget permits
Utilize family, friends, a babysitter/ nanny so that you all can have some much needed alone time
Help each other with a project- step out of your personal comfort zone and offer assistance
Pay a bill that your spouse is usually responsible for
Take care of a chore that is usually designated to your spouse
Do a love coupon book
[The most important thing is to actually let your partner use them and you deliver on the service, so be reasonable with your offerings.]
Get a couple’s massage… but to give each other a massage will make things even better
Let your partner pick out an outfit (preferably a sexy one) that only they will get to see you in
Devote uninterrupted time, but try to focus solely on each other
Valentine's Day Activities with a Bf/Gf:
Depending on your cultural, social, and/ or religious beliefs (or your partner's), it is important to show love and appreciation to your significant other without violating or overstepping boundaries. There are many fun things that couples can partake in without having guilt that things went too far. It should not be expected that you spend a hefty amount of money, but you still want to show your partner that you put forth a genuine effort.

Take a walk on a scenic route (beach, in the city, etc.)
Flowers are a great touch unless your partner specifically stated otherwise
Candies (get your partner’s favorites, not just your own)
Go eat at a nice restaurant (dress up, color-coordinate even, and disconnect from social media)
Attend a painting class together, do a community service project together, etc.
Surprise your significant other with flowers delivered to their job
Small pieces of jewelry can make for a nice exchange
Write a heartfelt card
Valentine's Day Activities to Treat Yourself:
When it comes to “love’s” holiday, we often neglect ourselves first. Whether you’re single, widowed, separated, etc. it is important that you find joy in treating yourself just as good as your “ideal” partner would, plus! Self-love is critical to our overall well-being, so do not ever think that it is not okay to show yourself love and attention, because how can you give your “all” to another person but devote nothing to yourself?

Take a candlelit, bubble bath with relaxing music
Buy your favorite food(s) and candies
Buy yourself a nice piece of jewelry, a nice outfit, a new pair of shoes, or something else that you have been having your eyes on
Binge-watch your favorite shows or movies
Have a get together with family and/ or friends
Take a day trip and sight-see
Do something purely out of self-enjoyment and no obligation
Read an exciting book, go to a spoken word event, attend an acting class, etc.
Get a haircut, try a new hairstyle, new hair color

It's not a good article without at least one image of a piggy bank. Ha!
I hope you can find good use from at least one of these activities, and if not, I hope they sparked your own creative genius. Remember, love is not a competition with one another or outside people; if you remain focused on each other and not what others will think then you will not only have a great and guilt-free Valentine’s Day but you are setting a healthy foundation for your love to flourish. “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver,” 2 Corinthians 9:7. Giving should not just be in tithes or to the Church, but to each other through service, time spent, and good intentions while actually following through.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Let me know how you show your significant other that they are indeed loved? Please leave comments, so that we can keep this conversation going and growing.